
新兴市场投资教父马克·墨比尔斯:提高环保要求 绝不代表赔钱

2021-08-26 新浪网

新兴市场投资教父马克·墨比尔斯:提高环保要求 绝不代表赔钱











新浪财经ESG频道是业内首个中文ESG专业聚合频道,致力于宣传和推广可持续发展,责任投资,与ESG(环境、社会和公司治理)价值理念,传播ESG的企业实践行动和榜样力量,并推动中国ESG事业的发展。点击进入新浪财经-ESG频道。(新浪财经 刘娜)



Hi, I'm Mark Mobius. I'm heading the Mobius Capital Partners based in London. We managed two funds, one in London and one Luxembourg, the Mobius Emerging Markets Fund.


And it's a pleasure to be here because our funds emphasize the importance of ESG plus C, C is for culture.


So we look at environmental social, governance, and cultural aspects of companies.


I think in this session, we will get some very exciting ideas about how to improve ESG globally and in every way possible. Thank you very much.


Okay. Mark. Thank you so much for your speech. And now, I have question one. Why should global capital markets pay attention to ESG?


It's very important to pay attention to ESG, the environmental, social, and governance standards simply because it reduces risk.


If a company is not obeying environmental standards, it is a risk because they could then be accused of harming the environment and fined by the government and also lose customers.


If on the social side, they do not treat their customers or their staff properly, they probably will not be successful.


And finally, on the governance side, if they do not respect the opinions of their shareholders, then again, they will have problems.


So yes, ESG is really a way to reduce risk. In addition to be good for the world.


OK, thank you so much. Question two, what is the current status of the development of ESG investment in the global market and what opportunities are there in the future, especially in the emerging markets that you focus on investing in?


There's been a tremendous upsurge of interest in ESG globally, more and more of our clients are asking us, what are we doing with the companies in which we invest to improve ESG.


And of course, what we do in our funds, is work very closely with the companies in which we invest to help them to improve their environmental, social, and governance standards.


In addition, we look at culture. So we call ESG plus C. Culture means the morale of the people in the company.


What is their felling towards management? Are they happy? Are they unhappy? And what can be done to improve the morale of these people in the company?


So all of these factors are critical to the development of the company and to the success of a company.


Question three. Based on your more than 40 years of investment experience, what are the biggest difficulties or problems in practicing ESG investment?


The biggest difficulty, of course, is the management of companies. Because very often they do not recognize the importance of ESG.


And that's the reason why in our investment funds, we do not invest in companies that are not willing to work with us on a cooperative basis to improve their ESG standards.


This is very, very critical. And of course more and more companies are becoming aware of the importance of ESG.


And we're quite pleased to see the reception we get when we work with companies to improve ESG, but a lot more has to be done. Of course, big barrier is the attitude of the management.


Question four: Nowadays, carbon emissions have become a global issue. This year, China announced the dual carbon goal. From your perspective. What breakthroughs do you think ESG will make in solving environmental problems?


Lots of breakthroughs take place globally, you see more and more wind energy, more and more solar energy being used and less and less fossil fuel power generation being used.


Of course, it's a very difficult issue because many companies around the world depend on fossil fuel power. And many countries depend on such power.


So it's going to be a big, big task to get people converting to cleaner forms of energy. But as we speak, it is happening.


Question five. If you give some suggestions to Chinese investor or organizations on ESG investment, what would that be?


My advice to most companies is to first do a study of their own ESG facilities and standards.


There are many organizations that can help them to monitor and measure how well the ESG standards are.


Of course, the United nations has just published a long list of items that companies can look at to improve each of their ESG factors.


So the amount of Information is growing rapidly globally. It's rather easy for companies to get this Information and improve their performance.

下一个问题:如何利用ESG 原则,选择被投企业?您的书《ESG投资》提到,您曾投资了北京一家解决垃圾回收的公司,您为什么选择它?

Question six. How to use ESG principles to select companies to invest? In your book, Invest for Good, we noticed that you invested in a disposal, recycling and trash pickup company in Beijing. Could you please explain why you choose this company?


The reason why we chose that company was that they were doing something to help the enviroment, and most importantly, they were doing it in a way which will be profitable.


This is very, very important. People must realize that a switch to better environmental standards does not mean losing money. It should mean actually enhancing the profitability of companies.


And more and more we have seen that happen. As companies adopt cleaner fuel, they can find that it very often is cheaper than the old methods they used previously.


So the case of that company in Beijing is a good one where you can make profits and also help the environment.


Question seven. Could you please talk about the benefits of ESG investment for governments, enterprises, and investors? How can we build a better world together?


Of course, the important thing is to get people to be aware of what is necessary. And that means some education.


When we invest in a company in our funds, we first asked the management, are you willing to work with us to improve ESG?


If they're not willing to do so, then we don't invest. But more and more companies are accepting our offer to work with them, not in a very aggressive way, but in a friendly way.


So we can cooperate together to improve their environmental standards, their social standards and governance standards.


Question eight. Can we obtain reasonable returns in emerging markets by ESG investing?


Yes, you can get very good returns. If you look at the two funds that we manage in London and luxembourg. You see the performance has been quite good.


We're up about 50% in the last 12 months. So that shows you that by investing in companies that are adjusting their ESG requirements plus C, the results can be very, very good.


And we are quite gratified by the performance as a result of our emphasis on ESG plus C.


Thank you so much, Mark. Thank you so much for joining ESG Global Leaders Summit. And finally, do you have some opportunities uh for this summit? Or do you have some summary?


Yes. I just want to say to everyone that we are now on exciting period investing globally. More and more people are seeing the value of investing globally and particularly in emerging markets.


And more importantly, people are now becoming more and more aware of the importance of the ESG+C to enhance their investing performance. Thank you very much.



